Free will was created for love…

Recently, I witnessed a genuine love.

In a world with scattered hatred, love is present within us and can be expressed in any moment, with our free will. 

At a grocery store, as I was pouring bulk water into my bottles, minding my own business while alert to the surroundings, a woman with a cane walks up to a man standing behind me, observing the aisle.

She tells him about how beautiful the Hawaiian necklace is, which he is wearing, and that she missed a class earlier in the year and cannot wait to make a similar necklace in the next workshop.

They exchange kindness, and move on. 

A few seconds later, I can hear the man turn around and walk up towards the woman, as he takes off his necklace. He gently places the necklace around her neck, and with tradition, gives her a bear hug and kisses each cheek, while sharing that it is filled with many blessings and prayers. I see a person that really needed a hug, getting one. The woman expresses that she is on her way to a grief workshop, and such gratitude for the precious gift. 

I tearfully joy! When humans, known to each other or not, connect genuinely, all becomes pure. Pure doesn’t mean perfect, pure means intentions of love are present. Grief makes life tough, and is natural. Hatred is never necessary. Free will was created for love, I know that in my soul.